Which Ingredients Should You Watch Out For When Shopping For CBD Gummies?

CBD gummies are not created equally, and sometimes the difference between two different gummy formulas has nothing to do with the actual cannabidiol (CBD) that’s inside them, but the other ingredients which impacts the product’s quality and safety. Luckily, hemp brands are required to print a list of their ingredients so that customers can see what’s in any given gummy, to decide whether or not it contains ingredients that they wish to consume.

What are Some Must-Avoid Ingredients?
Now, there are certain ingredients that should be avoided at all costs? How come? Well, because they’re not contributing to the quality or effectiveness of the product, and worse, because they can be harmful to our health in the short or long term.

#1: Artificial Preservatives
CBD gummies have a shelf life of a few months, not because of the CBD itself but the other ingredients such as the flavoring. Still, that doesn’t mean that there’s any good reason for a company to use artificial preservatives, when they have access to perfectly effective natural preservatives like citric acid, which comes from citrus. Still, some companies are cheap, and they save money by going with artificial alternatives that can have negative effects on our health. Take nitrites, sulfites, and benzoates, which all preserve a food product at a cost, since they’re linked to health risks such as nervous system dysfunction, endocrine dysfunction, and even certain kinds of cancers.

#2: Certain Sweeteners
Of course, one of the best things about gummies is that they’re sweet. But, how they’re sweet matters. Some sweeteners are better for our bodies than others, and this can matter a lot if it’s something that we’re taking every day.

  • Avoid sucralose, an artificial sweetener linked to migraines and nervous system problems as well as diabetes.
  • Avoid high fructose corn syrup, a potent, high-glycemic sweetener also associated with the onset of diabetes
Basically, the more natural and low-glycemic the sweetener, the better.

#3: Gelatin (If You’re Vegan)
For all you vegans out there, especially newbie vegans, gelatin is something you don’t want. Gelatin is an animal derivative found in a lot of gummies, which gives them their gummy texture. While gelatin is popular, there’s another alternative that is vegan-friendly, which is pectin, a derivative of fruits. The good news is that more and more companies offer vegan gummies that do use pectin rather than gelatin, including Nectar Wellness.

#4: Artificial Flavors
Overall, the best gummies are ones that are made with naturally derived flavors rather than artificial ones. Besides the fact that natural fruit extracts just taste better, they’re much better for our bodies since they absorb and metabolize more easily. Problem with artificial flavoring is, it can be derived from pretty much anything, and companies aren’t required to tell you what goes into their flavoring. If you see the term “flavoring” on an ingredients list, that can refer to artificial flavoring, since companies are also not required to disclose the “artificial” part.

#5: Medicines
You’d be surprised that some companies in the past have tried to sneak medications into their gummies, to “boost” the effects of the product. This can include sedative-like ingredients as well as cough suppressants. Obviously, unintentionally taking a medication in the form of a CBD gummy can be dangerous. Again, this goes back to what we mentioned earlier, you always want to read those ingredients.

#6: Cheap Fillers
In general, there are all kinds of filler ingredients that companies can use to save on manufacturing costs and water down the formula with inexpensive additives. Companies can choose from hundreds of these filler ingredients, so the bottom line is that if you’re reading a list of ingredients and you see an unusual number of unnatural additives, then assume that they are fillers. While not all fillers are necessarily harmful, per se, they’re totally unnecessary for the quality of the product, and tell you that the company is cutting corners to produce their gummy formula.

#7: Allergens
No doubt, you want to ensure that you avoid allergens that can cause a reaction. If you know that you have certain dietary allergies, make sure to read the list of ingredients carefully to know that you won’t get any kind of reaction from the product. Most gummies are allergen-free, but some companies sneak things like gluten in there, as well as flavoring extracts that some may be allergic to.

Go with Clean Gummies for the Best CBD Experience Possible
Overall, while most companies avoid the ingredients above, you really never know what’s in a gummy until you fully read the label. So, make an effort to get into the habit of seeing what’s in a gummy before you put it into your body, to always be on the safe side. Nectar Wellness Supercharged™ CBD Gummies are gluten free, non-GMO, and 100% vegan (made with pectin).