Why are Vegan CBD Products on the Rise?

Are you a vegan? If so, then you’ve likely noticed that over the years, the majority of CBD gummies to hit the market contained animal derivatives that interfered with your lifestyle. But, an influx of companies are producing strictly vegan CBD-based formulas, and so it has never been easier to have your pick of top-quality hemp at last.

Vegan CBD: What It Actually Means
For a CBD product to be considered vegan, it can contain zero animal derivatives. The most common animal derivative found in a CBD product is gelatin, which gives gummies their gummy-like texture. Now, more companies are using pectin in its place, which comes from fruit and offers the same consistency without relying on animals. Another ingredient that many vegans strictly avoid is honey, and so companies are finding alternative ways to sweeten their products, using plant-based sweeteners instead.

So, why are vegan CBD products becoming such a big deal, and why may you find that they’re the best choice for your daily needs?

Reason #1: There are a Lot of Vegan CBD Lovers Out There
Naturally, the most common reason to opt for vegan CBD is because you’re a vegan yourself. It can certainly be challenging in today’s world to have access to products you feel will benefit you, when so many of them rely on animal derivatives in their formulas. Vegan CBD products make hemp accessible to all.

Reason #2: Vegan CBD Products Could Be More Ethical
Even if you don’t strictly maintain a vegan lifestyle, vegan CBD products are arguably more ethical since they don’t contribute to the worldwide mistreatment of animals. You don’t need to be a strict vegan just to make more conscious choices when it comes to animal welfare, wherever possible in your day-to-day life.

Reason #3: Vegan CBD Products May Be “Cleaner”
Today, terms like “plant-based” and “clean” have become buzzwords, reflecting a more conscious attitude toward what it is that we put into our bodies. Many of us pay more attention to the ingredients that we consume, because animal-based products may contain antibiotics, hormones and other compounds that we choose to avoid. Plant-based ingredients typically undergo less processing, which means that they’re easier for the body to absorb, digest and metabolize.

Reason #4: Vegan CBD Products are Better for the Environment
Nowadays, it’s hard to deny that the livestock industry is negatively impacting our environment, and so many people are avoiding animal products wherever they can in order to do their part to protect the planet. If you are a daily cannabidiol user who opts for a vegan formula, you can know that you’re contributing to the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions that are a natural part of the livestock trade.

Reason #5: Vegan CBD Products Show That the Company/Brand Cares
A company/brand that strictly carries vegan CBD products shows that they care about the needs of their customers, as well as the wellbeing of animals. Taking that extra step to find replacements for animal-based ingredients gives us insight into the values of the brand, and how much they take their formulation processes seriously.

Reason #6: Vegan Products May Align with Your Religious Beliefs
Certain lifestyles based on religion can determine whether or not consuming animal products like gelatin is acceptable – including those who maintain a kosher or halal lifestyle, who cannot consume pork products, from which gelatin is often derived. So, in that case, vegan CBD products can allow you to enjoy cannabidiol at last, without putting your religious values at risk.

Vegans Rejoice, Thanks Nectar Wellness!
Nectar Wellness is proud to say that our catalog is 100% vegan, including our delicious gummies which rely on pectin rather than gelatin to get that classic consistency our customers know and love. If you’re a vegan who is looking for a brand you can rely on, look no further than our top-shelf, lab-tested and animal-free gummies, tinctures, and creams. We understand that many of our customers abstain from animal-based products for various personal reasons, and we’re happy to do everything that we can to make CBD products as accessible to them as possible.