Your Guide to Taking CBD Oil For Chronic Coughing

There’s nothing like a chronic cough to get in the way of living your everyday life, constantly having to duck out of rooms, and just deal with the general annoyance and discomfort that it causes.  There are all kinds of reasons for chronic coughing, and there are plenty of products on the market that can help.  But, if you are seeking out an all-natural option, it might be time to consider CBD oil.

As a disclaimer, we do want to mention that you should always seek the help of a doctor if you have a chronic cough, as this can indicate a more serious underlying illness.  But in general, cannabidiol (CBD) may have what it takes to give you the relief you deserve.

What Causes Chronic Coughing?

Chronic coughing refers to any cough that lasts beyond two weeks, and thus, occurs persistently enough to become disruptive and irritating.  It can be a dry cough or a wet cough.  The most common causes for chronic coughing are:

An Infection: If you either have or are recovering from a respiratory infection, you may experience chronic coughing as your throat tissue remains inflamed and irritated due to your body’s immune response. An infection can result in either pneumonia or bronchitis, both of which can cause chronic coughing after the infection clears up.

Smoking: Can cause chronic coughing due to the frequent irritation that it causes to the throat, and its effects on the lungs. Smokers can have either a wet or dry cough.

Exposure to Irritants: Examples of this would be living in a house filled with dust that you breathe in, which can cause chronic coughing.

Allergies: Frequent exposure to allergens like dust, pollen and mold can lead to chronic coughing, made worse when in direct contact with the allergen, such as going outside in the springtime when the pollen count is high.

Asthma: This is a chronic condition that causes frequent narrowing of the airways, and thus, coughing along with shortness of breath occur.

    Would CBD Oil Help?

    CBD oil is an oil-based product usually taken as a tincture, consisting of cannabidiol-rich hemp extract and a carrier oil that’s safe to ingest.  By delivering an active serving of CBD to the body, which is swallowed to make contact with the throat, it can offer its properties to the respiratory tract in order to potentially improve a chronic cough. 

    Cannabidiol has two properties in particular that can have a part in addressing coughing episodes. 

    Part 1: Anti-inflammatory properties, which come from the cannabinoid’s regulatory effects on the body’s inflammation response.  CBD can minimize the inflammation that is responsible for most instances of chronic coughing.

    Part 2: Antispasmodic properties, which can soothe irritated tissue throughout the airways that are prone to coughing fits due to hypersensitivity.  Coughing involves a contraction of the throat muscles that can become chronic over time, made worse by irritation. 

    Both of these properties can come together to provide a sense of ease and relief to the respiratory tract, to reduce instances of coughing as well as the urge to cough.

    How to Take CBD Oil for a Chronic Cough

    If you want to use CBD oil specifically for a chronic cough, we recommend starting out by taking one dropper a day and swallowing it rather than absorbing it sublingually (below the tongue).  This way, the active compounds are absorbing more efficiently into the muscles of the throat, to offer their soothing effect in a more targeted way.  You can build up your dosage as needed depending on the severity of your cough, and even take a dropper of oil as many times a day as needed to maintain relief.

    Nectar Wellness Supercharged™ CBD Oil is crafted from the finest Colorado grown hemp fields.  We provide our tinctures with a proprietary blend of naturally derived terpenes and other beneficial cannabinoids.  Our oils are designed as broad-spectrum blends that contain less than the required legal limit of 0.3% THC from hemp.


    Please Note: Before taking CBD for this condition, it is best to speak with your doctor first.  Your physician has access to your medical records and can therefore make a proper determination if CBD is right for you.