How Much Does Flavor Impact Those CBD Gummies and Tinctures?

Companies nowadays, like Nectar Wellness for instance, go to great lengths to offer delicious-tasting CBD gummies (Supercharged™ CBD Gummies) and CBD tinctures (Supercharged™ CBD Oil), using flavoring ingredients that appeal to our palates. But, the flavor of your product isn’t just about savoring a tasty dose of hemp – it can tell you a lot about the quality of the product you’re about to consume, how fresh it is and whether or not it’s safe. That’s why we always encourage our customers to pay close attention to what they’re tasting whenever they buy a new product made with cannabidiol extract.

Where Do CBD Gummies and Tinctures Get Their Flavor From?

#1: Flavoring Ingredients
Of course, you’ll taste the flavoring ingredients of a gummy, and a tincture if that particular tincture formula is flavored. Both gummies and tinctures can be flavored with either artificial or natural flavoring, and most people can tell the difference between real fruit extracts and synthetic alternatives. The flavor will, of course, vary between different products based on the exact flavoring that has been used.

#2: Sweetener
Pretty much all gummies, and some tinctures, also contain sweetener, which doesn’t have inherent flavor properties but gives the product a sugary taste. The sweetener used by a company can vary a lot, as some companies use, for instance, cane sugar, while others may use agave, honey, stevia or sucralose, all of which can have a distinctive taste, and a unique aftertaste as well.

#3: Terpenes
If you have a gummy or tincture that is made with full or broad spectrum hemp extract, then you’re going to taste the plant’s terpene profile, which gives hemp its distinctive aroma as well as its flavor. Terpenes are why hemp and marijuana smell identical, and you may notice a plant-like flavor that’s herbal and earthy when you taste a gummy or tincture that does contain terpenes.

#4: Other Ingredients
Gummies and tinctures can contain other ingredients that affect their flavor as well. A good example is MCT oil, found in many CBD tinctures as a carrier oil. MCT has a subtle coconut flavor, which is because it comes from coconut.

What Should a Gummy or Tincture Taste Like?
Ultimately, a CBD product should taste fresh, natural, and clean. It shouldn’t taste musty or mildewy, nor should it have a sharp chemical-like aftertaste.
If the product says that it contains full or broad spectrum hemp extract, it should have a distinctive hempy flavor underneath the flavoring ingredients.
If the product is made with CBD isolate, it shouldn’t taste like the plant at all.

Why Flavor Matters More Than You May Think
Not only can the flavor of a CBD product satisfy your taste buds, but it can also give some clues into the quality of the product. Let us elaborate.

How Fresh It is: The freshness of a CBD product matters a lot, since the less fresh it is, the less effective it is. If the gummies or tincture you have tastes stale or weak, then that’s a good sign the product is no longer fresh.

How Natural It is: Many people can tell the difference between natural and synthetic ingredients by tasting them, which can give you a good idea of the product’s overall quality.

Whether or Not It’s Safe: A gummy or tincture that smells “off” in some way can tell you that it’s been contaminated. Maybe it’s the smell of mildew that indicates mold, or the smell of bacteria that causes a rotten smell.

The Terpenes: Like we said earlier, gummies and tinctures that contain terpenes should smell like the plant itself. If a product says it’s made with broad or full spectrum hemp and doesn’t have a terpene smell, then you know that the product doesn’t have potent enough terpenes to give you the properties that these compounds can offer.

Good-Tasting Gummies and Tinctures are High-Quality Gummies and Tinctures
The bottom line is that gummies and tinctures should always taste fresh and generally agree with your palate. An “off” taste is a good way to know that something about the formula just isn’t right. So, take the flavor more seriously to know that you’re getting a top-quality product – and, of course, to end up with a product that appeals to your particular palate.