Is CBD an Option for Tinnitus?

Did you know that somewhere around 30% of people in the United States suffer from tinnitus?  Well, now you do.  This is a condition that affects the hearing, as tinnitus symptoms can range from mild to severe, but even a mild case can disrupt a person’s quality of life.  It doesn’t help that the condition, despite being surprisingly prevalent, remains very misunderstood and tough to treat.

However, there is a new holistic approach that could help tinnitus sufferers.  You see, they have taken matters into their own hands with cannabidiol (CBD).  CBD is the dominant chemical compound located in the hemp plant, which works with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) to regulate a wide range of critical functions that we depend on to feel our absolute best on a daily basis. 

So, what specifically might CBD do for those dealing with tinnitus?  Let’s find out.

What Exactly is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a chronic condition that affects someone’s hearing and is also believed to be neurological.  Those people who have tinnitus experience persistent noises in the ears that do not come from their surroundings, such as buzzing, roaring, or hissing, although the most common sound is ringing.  A person with tinnitus will hear these sounds even if they’re sitting in complete silence, since the stimuli is internal.

What are the Direct Causes for Tinnitus Occurring?

The inner ear is lined in small hairs that respond to sound, by moving in ways that send electrical signals to the brain to create sound perception.  The problem is that in tinnitus sufferers, these hairs have become damaged in some way, and so the hairs are moving to tell the brain to perceive sound, although no sound is actually occurring.

Tinnitus has numerous causes.  Viral infections can cause tinnitus, as can injuries to the neck, head or ear.  Musicians and other people who are regularly exposed to loud noises are uniquely prone to developing tinnitus as well, as are those with neurological conditions.  Tinnitus can be temporary, like in the case of a person who is fighting an infection in the body.  But, for many people, it comes chronic, and can even worsen over time.

What are the Symptoms Accompanied by Tinnitus?

The defining symptom of tinnitus is a persistent sound in at least one ear, which has nothing to do with sounds happening in the environment.  Sometimes, tinnitus sufferers may also experience frequent headaches or dizziness, or have pain in the ear or neck.  Those with tinnitus can also experience anxiety or depression due to the way in which the condition can interfere with one’s quality of life.  Currently, there is no known cure for tinnitus, or treatment that is proven to be extremely effective.

What Can CBD Do For Those with Tinnitus?

Many people with tinnitus reach a point of feeling a sense of hopelessness due to a lack of effective treatment – that is, until they find CBD.  There have been numerous reports of people successfully addressing their symptoms with this unique hemp compound, which is because of the role that the cannabinoid has in keeping the body in homeostasis.  Cannabidiol works by attaching itself to CB receptors located throughout the body, regulating adjacent bodily processes to ensure that the body is functioning to its highest potential.

More specifically, there are cannabinoid receptors within the inner ear which seem to use cannabidiol to regulate ear function, and overall hearing.  Cannabinoid receptors also exist widely throughout the neurological system to balance its function in a more general sense.  While there has yet to be a study on CBD’s effects on tinnitus in particular, the fact that the cannabinoid works directly with processes within the inner ear, combined with success stories we have heard over the years, tells us that it can be very promising for this condition. 

Tip: Try taking CBD daily for the best results possible.

Always Talk to Your Doctor First

Although once again we don’t have any conclusive proof that cannabidiol can treat tinnitus just yet, but so far, however, things look very hopeful.  CBD works with functions of the inner ear and the neurological system at large in ways that show a lot of promise. 

Still, if you would like to take CBD daily in hopes of managing tinnitus symptoms, it is recommended have a conversation with your doctor first, since they can offer the best advice based on your personal needs and medical history.  From there, they would refer you over to an ear, nose, and throat doctor (ENT), as this type of doctor specializes in everything having to do with those parts of the body.  Besides that, if you’re currently on any medications, they will also tell you if taking CBD is advisable.  Basically, this cannabinoid may interact with certain medications by suppressing an enzyme called CYP3A4 which is responsible for metabolizing half the medications we take.