Does Your Dog Excessively Drool? Maybe It’s Time to Look into CBD For That!

Dogs drool – any dog owner knows that all too well.  But, in some cases, drooling is excessive, to the point that you need to consider that something may be going on with your dog’s health.  It’s important to know when drooling is a cause for concern, and it’s also important to have an idea of what may treat it.  Surprisingly, cannabidiol (CBD) is becoming a popular option among dog owners, and you will quickly learn why.

Drooling in Dogs: What It Means and When It’s a Concern

It’s normal for dogs to drool to an extent, more so than humans.  Drooling is a function of the digestive system in any mammal, in which saliva is excreted from the salivary glands, containing enzymes that act as the first stage of breaking down food that we consume.  Drooling occurs more when mammals are hungry, as the digestive system is getting a head start, so to speak.  So, if your dog drools when they’re getting ready to eat, or when their hunger is stimulated by certain smells in the air, that’s relatively normal.  On top of that, some dog breeds have a tendency to drool more than others – especially bloodhounds and mastiffs.

If your dog is constantly drooling, however, or drooling more than usual overall, it could be time to consider taking them to their veterinarian.  This could indicate some other type of problem, in which drooling is just a symptom.  For example, dogs can drool excessively when they’re dealing with some type of tooth or gum problem, or when they’re experiencing nausea, or, more seriously, heat stroke.

How is Excessive Dog Drooling Treated?

Taking your dog to the vet is the first step in treating their excessive drooling.  Your veterinarian will likely do a basic bloodwork panel on your dog and look for other symptoms that something is wrong.  Because excessive drooling is almost always a symptom of another condition or problem, they’ll need to treat the problem itself so that the drooling is no longer excessive.  Therefore, the treatment that gets prescribed will depend on what the underlying problem is.

What Can CBD Offer to Excessive Canine Droolers?

Again, because excessive drooling can indicate a more serious underlying condition, we do not recommend skipping the vet trip altogether and just relying on cannabidiol to solve the issue.  That’s because you will need to have your dog examined to make sure that they’re in good overall health.  However, CBD may be able to help address the drooling while your dog is being treated.

As a cannabinoid, CBD works with cannabinoid receptors throughout the body that are tasked with regulating physiological processes that mammals rely on each day to feel their very best.  Nontoxic and non-intoxicating, CBD is considered fine for dogs, and can be administered long term if need be.  In terms of its potential for helping with drooling, you may be surprised to learn that there are cannabinoid receptors found in the salivary glands of mammals, showing us that CBD can play a role in regulating saliva production to minimize excessive drooling.

At the same time, CBD offers analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties which can be potentially useful if the drooling is caused by oral pain.  Again, however, you will want to see a vet if you suspect that your dog has a problem with their teeth or gums, because these problems often require more intensive care.

Just keep in mind that if you’re gonna administer CBD to your dog, you need to find a product that’s pet-friendly.  This means that it doesn’t contain any ingredients known to be toxic to canines, and that it comes in dosage options that are appropriate for dogs rather than humans.

Overall, CBD Could Potentially Help Your Drooling Dog 

If you’re constantly covered in dog slobber, it might be time to look into giving your furry companion some CBD each day.  And, at Nectar Wellness, we have exactly what you’re looking for with our pet-friendly CBD oil.  Add the suggested amount to their food bowl each day, or apply it directly to their mouth, and know that you’re giving them the highest-quality hemp that you possibly can.