What Could CBD Do for Your Dog’s Weight and Appetite?

We pet owners try to go above and beyond to ensure that our furry companions are happy and healthy at all times. We seek out nutritious foods, make sure that they get plenty of affection and give them adequate play time. However, it’s not always easy to know when something is wrong with our dog. For one thing, dogs are notorious for hiding pain, discomfort, and distress from others, including their owners, out of fear of appearing weak and vulnerable. Secondly, our canines can’t exactly let us know when they’re not feeling one hundred percent.

Therefore, it’s very important that we do everything that we can to monitor our furry friend’s wellbeing, both in terms of their physical and mental health. One easy way to do this is by staying on top of their weight and appetite. Both the state of their appetite and their body weight can clue us into what’s going on with their overall health, while also helping us determine whether or not their current diet is the best for them. Plus, where the addition of cannabidiol (CBD) could come into play.

Weight, Appetite, and Your Dog’s Health
We all know the importance of maintaining a healthy weight and appetite when it comes to our health. Being underweight puts us at risk of various nutritional deficiencies which can be very dangerous if left unchecked. Our body requires a high volume and wide variety of nutrients in order to ensure that every bodily system is operating properly. But, being overweight comes with just as many risks, as it increases the chances of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and certain cancers, while weakening the immune system.

Unsurprisingly, the same principles apply to our furry friends. Our pets must maintain a healthy body weight in order to prevent various diseases and ailments. The problem is that many pet owners don’t recognize when their pet is under or overweight until it’s too late.

Reasons for Overweight Pets
Various factors can contribute to a dog being overweight, but the leading one is simply a matter of improper feeding. Many of us love spoiling our pets, and we may do this by feeding them things that aren’t necessarily good for them, or even feeding them too often. Maybe we offer them too much of our own calorie-laden foods, or we give them excessive treats, or we simply give them larger portions than their bodies require. Dogs are opportunistic eaters, meaning, it’s likely that they’ll eat what’s put in front of them regardless of whether or not their body actually needs it.

Of course, there are various underlying conditions that can cause their bodies to gain excessive amounts of weight, which have little to do with their actual feeding routine. One example is hypothyroidism, which affects the way in which the body metabolizes the food that they eat.

Reasons for Low Appetite in Dogs
On the other end of the spectrum, we have pets who are underweight due to a low appetite. Many of us know the frustration of seeing our dog turn down food from time to time. If a pet is a chronically low appetite, they can be in danger of becoming malnourished. Assuming that the low appetite isn’t caused by a distaste for the particular food that’s being fed to them, this symptom is a sign of an underlying issue, whether it be stress, digestive troubles, depression, or something more serious.

When to See a Veterinarian
You should take your pet to see a veterinarian at least once a year for a standard exam, during which their weight will be taken. Your veterinarian will let you know if your dog is underweight, or possibly overweight during this time. But, if your dog seems to be rapidly gaining or losing weight, or they have refused to eat for more than 24 hours, you should schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

CBD and Your Dogs Weight and Appetite
Cannabidiol is the dominant compound in the hemp plant. Being a cannabinoid, it supports their endocannabinoid system (ECS) which is present in every mammal. What this system does is send cannabinoids to cannabinoid receptors found in every system of the body, so that each system’s processes may be regulated as needed. The ECS’s goal is to create a state of equilibrium within the body, which is known as homeostasis.
Certain bodily processes that determine both weight and appetite have the potential to be regulated by this incredible system.

  • Study #1: Found that CBD may potentially regulate appetite via the mechanism involved in food cravings.
  • Study #2: Found that CBD reduced body weight in mice by changing the way in which fat is metabolized and stored.
  • Study #3: It’s also worth noting that stress can cause pets to either overeat or turn down food, and research has shown that CBD may reduce stress thanks to its effects on cortisol.

Administering CBD to Your Dog
To get your dog started on a cannabidiol regimen, again, speak with your veterinarian, and then make sure to find a CBD-based product made specially for pets, such as Nectar Wellness Supercharged™ CBD Oil – Pets. It’s specially formulated to deliver calming wellness to your dog- no matter what size or breed. And, the best part is, you can easily administer CBD oil to your pets for fast, efficient results. Apply CBD tincture drops directly into your pet’s mouth or add to their food or favorite snacks.

Overall, it’s up to us as pet owners to ensure that our pets are within the appropriate weight range, and that they are eating the right amount each day for their body’s needs. If your dog simply doesn’t show enough interest in their food, or their weight is creeping past what’s considered healthy, time to talk to your veterinarian about cannabidiol. This holistic and natural plant compound comes in a wide range of pet-friendly formulations that can potentially get their weight and appetite back on track.

Please Note: This article is not intended to give medical advice, but your veterinarian can help you determine whether or not CBD is right for your dog.