Can CBD Help Marathon Runners?

To be a marathon runner, even if you only participate in actual races a couple times out of the year, you need to keep your body in excellent shape year round.  A marathon is defined as a race that’s about 25 miles, usually taking place on a series of roads.  To be able to complete a race of that caliber, one’s body and mind must be incredibly strong, and so training needs to be a staple throughout the year in order to perform at the highest level when the time comes.

One way that marathon runners are supplying their bodies with what they need to reach their highest level is by working cannabidiol (CBD) into their daily routines.  CBD is a completely natural derivative of the hemp plant which has been shown in studies to offer many valuable effects.  This is because it’s a cannabinoid, and cannabinoids are compounds that are used by the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) to regulate functions of the body from head-to-toe, for maximum homeostasis.

What Do Typical Marathon Training Plans Entail?

Even though we all have unique fitness goals and levels, there are some standard training plans for people to follow.  There are also specific plans for beginners wanting to run their first marathon and plans more suited for experienced runners.  According to Runners World, most marathon training plans will last between 16 and 20 weeks.  This training will consist of running approximately 3x-5x per week, and you will begin steadily and moderately increasing your mileage as your marathon race day starts to loom closer. During the other days, you will either be resting, stretching, or taking part in low-intensity exercises such as yoga or pilates.  By crafting out or following a plan that meets your fitness abilities, you can try to remain injury-free.

Why Might CBD Be the Perfect Marathon Running Partner?

Now, we can take a closer look at the specific ways in which marathon runners may benefit from working cannabidiol into their daily routines.  Keep in mind, too, there really is no set time to incorporate CBD into your training schedule – you pick the time!

Reason #1:  CBD Can Give You the Boost of Motivation You Need 

To maintain a training routine effective enough to run a marathon, you need to have a lot of motivation, focus and alertness, not to mention energy.  And, that’s often easier said than done.  But, research has shown us that CBD works with cannabinoid receptors involving in cognitive functions to provide a boost in all of these areas, as all of these are functions of the cognitive center of the brain.  People typically feel more motivated and excited about training, and even taking CBD before an actual marathon can be equally useful.

In fact, studies have found that CBD may boost overall performance.  In a clinical trial, half of the participants were given CBD, and all of the participants performed the same physical exercise.  Those who were given the CBD performed better, which shows that the compound’s properties may be profoundly valuable to athletes in general.  All the meanwhile, we know that CBD can regulate neurotransmitters that affect our mood, to help with stress and other mood problems that can greatly interfere with our workouts.

Reason #2: CBD Has Calming Effects

The potential calming effects are what bring many people to CBD, as it’s a great solution for runners out there suffering from anxiety.  It’s completely normal to feel nervous before a race, but when feelings of worry threaten to overwhelm you and disrupt your daily training routine, it’s time to take action.  A study published in 2020 even shows this.  Also, taking CBD before going to bed helps you feel calmer at night and more euphoric in the morning.  This not only makes runners feel better prepared to progress forward with their training, but it can allow their body to repair itself at night, letting their muscles even recover, too.

Reason #3: CBD May Help with Your Aches and Pains

CBD just so happens to be rich in anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which means that it can be extremely useful to the body when it comes to addressing tension and other forms of physical discomfort that can occur after heavy training, or even interfere with your ability to stay consistent with your practices.  If you’re dealing with inflammation due to the nature of your training, CBD might be worth working into your daily regimen due to its unique ability to regulate the body’s inflammatory response.  And in the general sense, people describe feeling a greater sense of ease throughout the muscles and joints after using CBD regularly.

Reason #4: CBD May Help You Recover Faster 

After an intense run, the body needs time to recover, so it can rest and repair the deep tissue.  But, many of us simply don’t have lifestyles that allow us to properly rest following each training session and marathon, which is why we might need a little help.  And, again, CBD can really come in handy.

CBD works with the entire endocannabinoid system (ECS), meaning that it allows for widespread balance throughout each system of the body.  This basically brings us closer to homeostasis, giving the body the ability to function at its highest level.  In terms of post-exertion recovery, this is beneficial because it can help the body recover faster, and also strengthen the body’s self-repairing mechanisms.

CBD May Help You Finish the Race, But There Some Other Marathon Training Tips You Should Follow

Any marathon runner is fully aware of the effort required to stay in excellent shape.  After all, not just anyone can run 25 miles, let alone half that.  Fortunately, CBD is here to support you on your journey, from your first training session to that final stretch during a race.  Even though you can give Nectar Wellness CBD products a try, while considering taking CBD daily to provide the body with everything that it needs to improve your athlete game, there are still several other things you need to do as well.

  • Buy good shoes that properly fit, as this impacts your training and running. Being comfortable and confident on marathon day is crucial. However, make sure those new shoes are broken in first, so as to avoid running awkwardly and getting blisters in the process.
  • Running and training with a like-minded friend can have a positive impact since they can give you some motivation when you’re struggling, and vice versa.
  • Stick to a healthy and balanced diet helps a lot. Do this by focusing in on protein to help take care of/build up your muscles.  
  • Always drink plenty of water to replace what you have lost in training.
  • You could try out yoga and pilates alongside your training routine as a form of stretching, especially if you’re following a plan that doesn’t include them. These exercise forms are ideal low-impact workouts that can aid with strength, balance (mental and physical), and flexibility.


Please Note: Before taking CBD, it is best to speak with your doctor first.  Your physician has access to your medical records and can therefore make a proper determination if CBD is right for you.